Here's some cool shit to try if you are bored and don't know what to do with yourself. Bring up big G and type in the following as specified below, after you type each word, press the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button. That's all there is to it.
Type: ‘google santa’
Type: “Find Chuck Norris”
Type: ‘elgoog’
Type: ‘g00g13′
Type: ‘google klingon’
Type: ‘google bork’
Type: ‘easter feature’
Type: ‘google valentine’
Type: ‘google doodle’
Type: 'google gothic'
Type: 'elmer fudd'
That's it for the cool Google stuff, hope you enjoyed it and if you think of any more feel free to leave it in the comments. Cheerio!
Fun! I got a kick (no pun intended) with Find Chuck Norris. The Elmer Fudd one brings up the Wikipedia page though. The Google Elmer Fudd page is second on the search list. Thanks for sharing this. :o)
hi Babette,
The elmer fudd works ok for me... what you should be seeing is a google page that seems to have been written by E.F. himself...
Glad you liked the rest though... Cheers
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